Our environmental staff includes engineers, industrial hygienists, and environmental scientists with relevant project experience, certifications, and availability to meet technical needs and client requirements. CTL|Thompson has conducted investigations for a wide range of contaminants in both urban and remote sites. It is our goal to assist our clients to bridge the gap from recognizing environmental issues on a site to addressing those issues to meet their regulatory obligations and project goals. CTL|Thompson's environmental engineering team provides services in three primary areas:
Environmental Due Diligence
Remediation - Redevelopment of Brownfields
Industrial Hygiene (including asbestos & mold)
Phase I, II, and III Environmental Site Assessments
Brownfields / Voluntary Cleanups
Asbestos Surveys, Project Designs & Air Monitoring
Mold Investigations
Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removal
Spill, Prevention, Control & Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans
Ecological Services
Ecological Assessments and Cultural Records Review
Wetland Delineations/Clean Water Act 404 Permitting
Burrowing Owl and Migratory Bird Clearance Surveys